EPSCoR Partnership
How Delaware’s Latest EPSCoR Grant is Enhancing Delaware Tech’s STEM Education Initiatives
Delaware Technical Community College, the University of Delaware, Delaware State University, and Wesley College are partners in Delaware’s EPSCoR Research Infrastructure Improvement Program (RII-4) grant. EPSCoR, the Established Program to Stimulate Competitive Research, is a federal grant program led by the National Science Foundation (NSF) to help states develop their research capabilities and institutions.
This is the fourth EPSCoR grant awarded to the partnership since Delaware was designated an EPSCoR state in January 2003. Project WiCCED stands for “Water in the Changing Coastal Environment of Delaware” and will help Delaware develop solutions to water issues related to human, economic and ecosystem health. In addition to the federal award, the state of Delaware has committed $3.8 million in support of this initiative.

At Delaware Tech, funding from this grant will:
- Provide Professional development opportunities for Delaware Tech faculty to embed research opportunities for students into the Core-Curriculum
- Enhance Undergraduate research internships for Delaware Tech students
- Stimulate Public Interest in STEM learning opportunities for Delaware’s K-12 students through the College's annual STEM Expo's
- Enrich Student Support Programs to retain and graduate the next generation in STEM fields

Martha Hofstetter
Project Director for EPSCoR
(302) 857-1676